Who created Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash? According to @DCComics, nobody

gerryconway: Who created Caitlin Snow, the alter ego of Firestorm super-villain Killer Frost, who appears regularly on The Flash? According to DC Entertainment, nobody. That’s right. Caitlin Snow, the brilliant scientist working for Harrison Wells, fiancée of Ronnie Raymond and friend of Barry Allen, aka The Flash, sprang fully formed into existence without a creator … Continue reading Who created Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash? According to @DCComics, nobody

We cosplayed for orphans today! It was so much fun, and it felt so good to give some cheer to them.

The organizer wanted to Batman, Captain America, Hiro Hamada and GoGo Tomago to appear first, and the rest (Spider-Gwen, Spiderman, Robin [me], and Cowgirl Jessie), to appear in the second wave, because there was some show for the kids. But that didn’t happen because Batman can’t stay long, so after like ten minutes of entertaining … Continue reading We cosplayed for orphans today! It was so much fun, and it felt so good to give some cheer to them.

I got this bookmark at the comic book shop I frequent at. It’s a reading list, and I think it’s a great list for someone thinking of getting into comic books. And I love the illustration of the characters reading the books. I’m not sure what’s going on but Batman is smiling. xD

DC Entertainment Announces New Animated Movies, Shorts – Comic Book Resources

Two “Batman Unlimited” films will be released, the first will arrive direct-to-video in stores on May 12; the sequel will be released sometime in the second half of 2015. The movies’ rosters will feature Batman, the Flash, Red Robin, Nightwing and Green Arrow as they come up against Penguin and his horde of cyber animals. … Continue reading DC Entertainment Announces New Animated Movies, Shorts – Comic Book Resources