Obligatory ghost story because it’s Halloween.

Back in 6th grade we had this girl scout company-group or whatever. There weren’t any people in the elementary building, and grades 4-6 were in different parts of the school doing boy scout and girl scout shit. My group was assigned to room Grade 5 - Generous which was on the second floor, where we’d … Continue reading Obligatory ghost story because it’s Halloween.

slightlytipsy answered your post: UI CHANGE??? omg you have so many tabs open im dying to close them When I’m writing my thesis, I need just as much distraction as I need focus or I’ll go nuts. xD 

So I saw an article about Sleepy Hollow ratings slipping. What’s happened, they ask.

Because there are too many new characters. The new captain, Abraham talks now, Jenny is on the opening credits now, John Noble as well, and Nick Hawley. And honestly, nobody actually cares about Katrina and Ichabod. They want Ichabbie, okay. And that thing about Jenny and Hawley. People aren’t gonna fall for that. And last … Continue reading So I saw an article about Sleepy Hollow ratings slipping. What’s happened, they ask.

Transformers Prime’s actual audience during it’s entire run on The Hub was actualy mostly male kids and male adults, with a minority of women and a way smaller number of little girls. It was cancelled because of bad ratings OVERALL, not just among one audience. Make your research first.

Where in that post did I say TFP was cancelled? I said, the reason why Hasbro gave CN airing rights to TF: RiD was because “Hasbro Studios recently made the switch to Cartoon Network in order to better target the toy line’s core audience, boys. The Hub’s daytime programming lineup had mostly attracted a younger … Continue reading Transformers Prime’s actual audience during it’s entire run on The Hub was actualy mostly male kids and male adults, with a minority of women and a way smaller number of little girls. It was cancelled because of bad ratings OVERALL, not just among one audience. Make your research first.